Training. The Difference Between Good and Excellent
"If all else fails, read the instructions." Unfortunately, this is the approach many companies take when installing software systems. Especially odd is the fact that these companies often rely on the software to run their businesses.
Most companies experience an increase in productivity within a short time after implementing a SnapClose system. However, those companies wishing to greatly improve their competitive position within their market understand that a thorough knowledge of their software system is required. Many of the special features of SnapClose software that lead to the greatest efficiencies, such as document and forms management, escrow accounting and electronic order management are often learned through additional training. That's why CMS provides a number of educational opportunities.
On-Site Training
Several days of on-site training are provided with each new implementation of a SnapClose system. Included are the software installation, forms and document creation or modification and individualized user training on the system. Additional on-site training is also available for a fee.
Web-based Training
Individualized training is available using the Internet. This training can be designed to address general topics or specific user needs. Scheduling is flexible and can usually accommodate the user's requirements.
Scheduled training provided through Internet Webinars is provided at no charge. These classes cover a wide range of topics. After registering, attendees log on to a special Internet site to receive instruction in the topic of the day.
On-line tutorials are provided with each SnapClose system. These tutorials lead the user through a specific part of the application, showing exactly how to perform a specific operation. Tutorials are excellent for learning the system, for a quick refresher on a certain topic, or for teaching new users.
Contact Us
To contact the Training Department, please call (877) 476-2725 Ext. 117, or email training@snapclose.com
Training Manager: Philip J. McNulty
Trainer: Scott Simmins