The earliest title and escrow software systems were merely automated typewriters, using a crude database and scripts to type in the blanks in the many forms used in a real estate title insurance transaction. The next generation of software, while quite an improvement over earlier systems, was keyboard and data intensive, difficult to use, unstable and expensive. But now, with SnapClose Pro, title agents use the familiar Windows environment to harness the power of the latest in computer and Internet technology.
In an environment constantly challenged by market and regulatory pressures, SnapClose Pro provides title agents with one of the greatest opportunities available to improve their operations, customer satisfaction and profits. Based on the latest standard Microsoft technology, SnapClose Pro focuses on the title insurance process to provide users with a stable, easy to learn platform that can increase output while reducing costs.
With SnapClose Pro, title agents manage all functions in the title process, from opening a new file through the creation, storage and sharing of documents, the closing process, recording and disbursing funds and escrow accounting with surprising speed and ease of use.
Keeping Data Secure
A title agent’s data…his open and closed files and history, are among his most important assets. That is one of the reasons why SnapClose Pro uses client/server architecture to store all of the system’s data on the agent's local server rather than on an anonymous server somewhere on the Internet. At the same time, however, SnapClose Pro accesses the Internet, seamlessly, to provide special functionality such as property lookups, ordering and receiving departmental or other searches and sharing documents with interested parties.
Additional Functionality
SnapClose Pro?s intuitive interface enables users to easily:
- Create new files with multiple properties, multiple buyers, sellers, lenders and their attorneys and other parties to the file transaction.
- Order municipal and other searches electronically, from within the applicable file, and have the results delivered automatically back to that file. No more misplaced or misfiled faxes, searches or other important documents. Know the exact file status 24/7/365!
- Quickly create title reports and commitments using default values that are easily modified on a file level as needed
- Create title bills and invoices automatically, including all amounts for premiums, taxes and other individual line items.
- Manage funds disbursement, check writing, account reconciliation and remittance reporting.
- Create, store, share, email, fax, and print documents from within the applicable file.
- Much more!