An integral part of the SnapClose Pro title software system, SnapLender is a service which enables electronic collaboration between title agents and mortgage brokers and other lenders, With SnapLender, brokers
- Electronically order title from agents, quickly and efficiently from within the borrower’s file of their loan origination software system, and receive confirmation of acceptance of the order, time stamped, back into the borrower’s file.
- Forward other documents, such as a deed or C of O, to the title agent electronically.
- Check status 24/7, without phone calls, email or faxes.
- Receive electronically, into the borrower’s file, all documents forwarded by the title agent, and store them there for easy access and retrieval.
The SnapClose Pro title agent
- Is visible on the desktop of thousands of brokers and is available to receive orders for title.
- Information received from a broker through SnapLender can automatically create a new file in SnapClose Pro, auto filling with all of the information supplied by the broker, reducing errors and data entry.
- Notes and completed documents are sent electronically from within the SnapClose Pro file to the broker’s borrower’s file, eliminating faxing and emailing.
The SnapLender service provided within SnapClose Pro gives title agents a competitive edge in working with brokers and lenders by using technology to improve both productivity and service to clients.