Title and real estate research companies and other vendors using our innovative, proprietary system, SnapVendor, enjoy an exclusive avenue of contact with our SnapClose Pro user community. With the SnapVendor software system, vendors receive and fulfill search order requests electronically. By so doing, they provide a unique service to their customers because orders are placed from and received directly into the title agent?s SnapClose Pro title file.
In Demand by Title Agents
Title Agents using the electronic ordering capability in SnapClose Pro experience an unequaled ability to manage the order process. They report quicker turn-around times, fewer overdue and lost orders and greater accuracy and efficiency in placing orders. Because of this, vendors using SnapVendor, with its ability to interface with SnapClose Pro?s ordering process, enjoy a market advantage.
Easy to Install, Maintain
It?s easy to become a SnapClose Platform Partner. The SnapVendor software, installation, training and software updates are provided at no charge. System requirements include only a high-speed Internet connection and scanner. Technical assistance is available if interfacing with in-house systems is desired.